0) { $SQLQuery=$SQLQuery." or lin=".$lin_base[$lin]; } if ($lin!=$linEng) { $SQLQuery=$SQLQuery." or lin=".$linEng; } $SQLQuery=$SQLQuery.") and notes.cref=".$REF_CHT; if ($ref>0) { $SQLQuery=$SQLQuery." and notes.ref=".$ref; } if ($super_modo<$Modo_privado) { $SQLQuery=$SQLQuery." and notes.ref<=".$hiso; } $SQLQuery=$SQLQuery." Order by notes.ref desc, notes.lin desc Limit 1"; if (($result = mysql_query($SQLQuery)) and ($RSList = mysql_fetch_array($result))) { $ref=$RSList["ref"]; tab_bar(2); ?>
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0 && strlen($mail)>0 && strlen($txt)>0) { $n=substr($lin+100,strlen($lin+100)-(2))."_".$ref; $t=$n." ".$user." - ".$mail.chr(13).chr(10).$ref.chr(13).chr(10).$txt; log_file("St_".$n."_",$t); mail ($email_jpc, $n, $t, "From: statix@forix.com\r\n"); return 1; } return 2; } function cht_suggest() { extract($GLOBALS); tab_ini(); $user=trim(post_arg("name")); $mail=trim(post_arg("email")); $txt=trim(post_arg("txt")); if ($tip==1) { $tip = cht_record($user, $mail, $txt); } if ($tip==0 || $tip==2) { tab_bar(2); ?> Stat-ix ".$tit_local[1].""); } if ($tip==1) { cht_show_image(); tab_bor(); ?> 

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